Wing Chun Academy of Stockholm
詠春拳學會 - 瑞典
The traditional soft internal Wing Chun KungFu martial art
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Stockholm Akalla

Content list (Innehållsförtäckning 内容列表)

  1. Target group (Målgrupp 目标群体)
  2. Setup (Upplägg 建立)
  3. Prerequisite (Förutsättningar 条件)
  4. Dates & Time (Datum & Tider 日期 时间)
  5. Next term start (Nästa terminsstart 下学期开始)
  6. Location (Plats 地方 )
  7. Apply (Ansökan 申请)
  8. Fees (Avgifter 费用)
  9. Instructors (Instruktörer 教练)

Target group (Målgrupp 目标群体)

Education requires self-discipline for home study, training with Student-Driven Learning (SDL) initiative, and with group collaboration.

Target audience:

  1. A practitioner that wants to learn and understand the holistic view and depth of the traditional internal way of Wing Chun as a martial art and for wellness for long-term sustainability lifestyle.
  2. A practitioner with a serious ambition to be educated as a Wing Chun instructor under our Wing Chun school

Non-target audience:

'Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.' /John Dewey

Setup (Upplägg 建立)

WCAA-Sweden pedagogy is applying traditional Wing Chun pedagogy mixed with academic pedagogy that differs us from other schools, we believe you can accept & manage the following:

References about:

Beginners first-month training setup

More information:

Questions and Answers about WCAA Wing Chun system

Prerequisite (Förutsättningar 条件) for adults

For success with traditional Wing Chun requires the art on how to achieve successful objectives by forgetting the past, since this differs from the modern fast factory process concept for achieve best business revenue.

Other recommendations:

WCAA has no responsibility for accidents that can occur during training when students do not comply with safety requirements. Control of moments and power is one of the key parts of the Wing Chun system, not only for not injuring any training partner.

Dates & Time (Datum & Tider 日期 时间)

Spring & Autumn term

Online lessons + physical lessons per week

Requires a minimum total of 30min of actual daily home training with forum support + training with local training partners outside the class/lesson when applicable, on the class lessons to learn what to train on.

Wed 19:15 - 21:15 (Outdoor location)

19:15 - 19:45 Group exercises: Discharge training, energy stretching, BioEnergy training and/or core WingChun
19:45 - 20:30 Foundation program guided exercises with partners' exchanges. 
20:30 - 21:00 Free ChiSao, Fight sparring, Self-defense and Instructor Training

Online mandatory theory lesson

When the temperature is below 0 degree (since we need to consider beginners)

Theory lessons + questions and follow-up via Skype or Google Meet

Online meeting link will be posted on the internal forum or email

Next term starts (Nästa terminstart 下学期开始)

Term planning calendar 

Location (Plats 地方)

Stockholm Kista stadsdel

Outdoor location

Address: Akallaby 5, 16478 Kista ( CW76+6H Kista )
200 m from Akalla T-bana exit "Mariehamsgatan" then walk straight on the walkway with trees until the public toilet house is on the left side. The place is just behind it.
Environment: Akallaby It is an outdoor training at an outdoor building (theatre stage), at an old traditional Swedish village within a calm nature environment, at the wooden theatre stage with a dance floor and roof with the sidewalls protected from rain and windy weather.
Facilities: indoor toilets, free car parking, outdoor gym at 170 m.
Try lesson: Require application done, see below.

Why this nature environment: Since 2013, the training has been moved to outdoor with only rain and wind protection. Cold outdoor training shows health improvement. This nature location produces anti stress/relaxation healing effects together with fresh air for exercises. This has shown an efficient recovery for the mind & energy balance when it is integrated with the nature. 


Apply (Ansökan 申请)

Please read this page carefully and the Agreement before applying!

Apply | Ansökan | 申请
Online application web form

Fees (Avgifter 费用)

1550  1500 SEK per term (payment at 2nd lesson or when account approved)
 0 SEK term fee applies for students that can achieve 100% presence during one term (payback).

Instructors (Instruktörer 教练)

Please contact us for specific questions, all other answers can be found on this website or at Question and Answers.

Chat via Google Map App

Chief Instructor: SiFu 师父 Peter Yeung, 1:st generation Ip Chun certified instructor
E-mail: peter.yeung (a)
Speaks: Swedish, English, Chinese Cantonese, and Mandarin (PuTongHua)
Written: Swedish, English
Profession: IT BCM (Business Continuity Management) Strategist 
Hobby: Java Web DevOps
Belief: Evangelical Protestant

Note: Our Wing Chun can be a therapy for body and mental health problems. BioEnergy healing treatment is only done on our Wing Chun students when the time is available during the lesson. BioEnergy healing theory will be taught as part of WCAA internal Wing Chun system.