Wing Chun Academy of Stockholm also known as Wing Chun Academy Association - Sweden (WCAA- Sweden)
Wing Chun 詠春 (咏春 Yǒng Chūn) is the largest famous non-sport Cantonese martial art ( KungFu 功夫 ). Turn the weakness into a strength by this soft internal Wing Chun 内家詠春拳.
Wing Chun is designed as unique real-time survival art with health improvement martial art rather than competition combat sport, which means also defense under unfair conditions and environments which means:
Wing Chun as a system based self-defence martial art, it has built-in risk mitigation in the control techniques to minimise risks and impact, e.g. in-case of first defense/attacks failures. The movements concept is like running water by using small soft controlled movements, including soft power generation and recycling power from the opponent for its own advantage. It might sound strange in the beginning before learning this art. It is a close-range defense to avoid clinching for reuse and saving energy. The literal meaning of Wing Chun is “chant spring” which is a Chinese girl’s name. Since is a Wing Chun holistic system including aspect from internal martial art with academic pedagogic starts with internal training rather than physical/external. This means it starts with the martial art theories and mind training and control, but also the internal energy (bio-energy) for soft-power development. This means as Wing Chun as internal martial art applies cognitive control as the central part of the training (like Yoga, Qigong or other internal martial arts such as Tai chi). The Wing Chun system is a unique and very different martial art and based on female conditions.
Wing Chun is not an athletic martial-art, it is more about how to overcome the need for athleticism, therefore kids and very athletic people are not the right target. Wing Chun is more of a systems architecture based on concepts and principles. Learning Wing Chun is like learning a language with generic grammar programmed for real-time reactions. Learning our Wing Chun requires an understanding of the theories, knowing how to perform, but also applying it as a real-time reflex. Wing Chun belongs to non-violence and non-competition self-defense martial art. In any conflicts there are no true winner, strategy of sustainable calm mindset is important for avoid escalations, so this why Wing Chun starts with to be still/calm in mind, i.e. waiting for the attacker intention of closing the distance in any environment, this why Wing Chun is designed for close range standing defense.
The Wing Chun Academy Association - Sweden 詠春拳學會 - 瑞典¸ ( WCAA-Sweden ) is educating Wing Chun instructors/pedagogues and practitioners (beginners) academically rather than providing pure training i.e. not a sport or training club. The WCAA-Sweden linage has a holistic approach for developing you to become a master with both theories and practice with continuous improvements as life-style for awareness, anti-stress/calmness, survival mind, health/wellness and successfulness art for your life. WCAA-Sweden also enables you to start your own Wing Chun school.
This Wing Chun school applies traditional concepts and stands apart from the modern way of training that prioritizes profit production according model of huge production chain with grading. Instead, it focuses on education similar to an academic level and on customized need for a small group (presence is crucial). This is why it is called "Academy" and is not a training club. For learn how to applying Wing Chun concepts in competition combat sport needs to be informed in the application, since this outside the default program scope.
Wing Chun Lineage & Style
WCAA-Sweden Wing Chun is currently the only Ip Man /Yip Man 葉問 2nd generation Wing Chun academy in Stockholm, Sweden, our a lineage is registered & certified (ref. Genealogical Register at direct under the grandmaster Ip Chun / Yip Chun 葉準 WCAA's Wing Chun was founded and further developed by Sifu (master) Peter Yeung to become more of a complete internal martial art, read more below:
There are many styles of Wing Chun in this world, almost every Sifu/Shifu 師父 (meaning owner/master/father of the art, rather than meaning of a skill person & teacher i.e. 師傅) develop it's own style of Wing Chun when master it based on the martial art background and understanding. Wing Chun is a concept and principles driven martial art system for enable further development when master it, which is the idea of it. In modern world is the concept of master degree in e.g. in technology for further development. There are no right or wrong on which Wing Chun style is better or not, the question is if the styles suites your as person from personality, mindset/values, pedagogical way, physical body condition, discipline/motivation level etc. last is the social relationship with the teacher. Therefore this website describe more in detail this Wing Chun style for verify if it suites you for saving everyone's time, since this school applies more academic pedagogic methodology.
Culture & History background
Wing Chun is a Cantonese martial orginated within the geographical Pearl River Delta area, the Ip Man lineage have it larges base in Hong Kong within this area. Pearl River Delta from western history is known as the The Gateway To China or the Maritime Silk Road. In modern time the Pearl River Delta area is in the center part of the Greater Bay Area.
Hong Kong SAR is a city land area with the strongest base for keeping the Cantonese language, culture and is also known as the Cantonese martial art city where all Kung Fu movies started. 1 July 1997 Hong Kong was handover from United Kingdom to PR China
Cantonese is also an officially internationally recognized spoken language in Hong Kong. From language science definition aspect, it is not a dialect of the current official spoken standard Chinese language Mandarin: Putonghua or Guoyu from the north. Cantonese is an ancient Chinese language before the northern language took over.
Cantonese people and area was part of the 1st millennium BC ancient country BaiYue 百越 in Vietnamese Bách Việt, in later time the Chinese word Yue 粵 or Yut (in Cantonese) was used for separate Guangdong area from meaning of Vietnam 越 as country. Kingdom Nanyue 南越 or 南粵 Vietnamese Nam Việt was established established 204 BC where Panyu 番禺 in todays Guangzhou as the capital, Country Nanyue was located in modern Guangdong and Northern Vietnam. Cantones was by political reason in the 17th century replaced the written form of Mandarin (standard Chinese), this caused an unlogical separation of between spoken language and written language of Cantonese. This means exact spoken Cantonese meaning and pronunciation can't be written to Chinese, this is unitl today an issue within Wing Chun community when document and teaching Wing Chun, e.g. ChiSao (or known as Wing Chun stickyhand in English), there are no chinease character that can represent the pronunciations in Cantonease and the direct meaning of it.
More topics under menu Articles
Wing Chun has, from the original design of it, both internal training methodology in combination with the external, this has almost been forgotten in modern time. Here we combining the internal and external for approach the original part of this art. Here is an independent article/blog from another Wing Chun schools that demystifying the internal part of Wing Chun.
Many martial art training is based on the components of timing, focus and control. Wing Chun is starting with control and focus and then timing for programing the movements for automatic response. Power and speed comes later when the control are in place. Learning Wing Chun is similar how to learning a new language starting with basic components like alphabets. Wing Chun concept is component based system, like building blocks that are depending of on each others under certain principles. This means similar to alphabets combined to word and then combines to sentence under certain grammatical, that need later turns to automatic real-time response.
Wing Chun is known as one of the most effective defensive martial arts designed for being practiced by a weaker physical person, the defense movements are direct in timing without extra movements, the practice focus is not on external physical training. The training focuses are on the internal process of programming a few core principles from the controlled brain part called the C-system (conscious) to the brain X-system (reflective). This process can effectively be done under mindfulness focus and with scenario/case simulation in the brain without training partners since a training partner has much lower availability. The training partner role is more for emulation training of scenarios/cases.
Wing Chun techniques/movements are soft and tiny, which require high precision of movements and positions at close distance. All movements are also multitasked between the arms and intention mind under multi-dimension. Even the basic moments are few, but can be performed at different levels based on ambition. Wing Chun is based on recycling power from the opponent for its own advantage. Wing Chun requires body movement control and awareness before control and awareness can be done on an opponent. Therefore ChiSao training method, one of the most important partners training method, is an efficient and controlled test & exercise method for emulating close-range combat. Wing Chun consists of a different component or building block that creates architecture in a context, the training and learning are based on building the different components (building blocks') before integrating them together into a working system.
Wing Chun is not a martial sport for competition, it was created for survival defense, therefore the Wing Chun system has built-in risk assessment and mitigation as part of the system. WCAA is applying Wing Chun combat strategy/tactics for defense. The training, sparring and emulation are more against other martial arts attacks. Distance control and flexible footwork movements are some of the most basic components for keeping the Wing Chun distance without being trapped.
WCAA is also teaching self-defense scenarios based on the Wing Chun principles. We separate the concept of self-defense from a battle fight, since battle fighting is an agreed decision between 2 persons with or without rules, while self-defense is non-agreed under a survival, unfair (more than one attacker or maybe with weapons) and unprepared situation.
WCAA Wing Chun also increases the internal and soft aspects of the practitioner, such as teamwork, awareness, and control of the physical and mental part, which also includes the health improvement as a side effect.
WCAA is an academy which means it teaches practitioners the theory and applies academic pedagogic at the university level, so the practitioner is responsible for its own training and development. To succeed with our Wing Chun requires so-called. DMLP (Discipline Loyalty Motivation Patience) Learning by teaching is one of the important concepts that we are applying together with the traditional Kung Fu family concept within the team.
One of the WCAA concepts is applying the Wing Chun to practical fighting scenarios from other martial arts, therefore our traditional Baat Cham Dao weapon form is applied against other weapons e.g. Japanese Katana, for implementing that WCAA is aligned with our partner Realistic Sparring Weapons (RSW) from Hong Kong.
Wing Chun Academy Association web tool since August 2006
Applying own DevOps for digitalization & automation since 2006
by Sifu. Peter Yeung
Please use the Mobile Web & App
Peter Yeung 楊 is the founder and Sifu of Wing Chun Academy Association Sweden. his martial background started in 80's by practices different martial arts in Sweden including Wing Chun. Peter's professional background is strategist, inventor and system architecture developer, this why he wants to develop something unique for people with similar mindset like himself, this requires deep study of the root of the Wing Chun system.
At Hong Kong
Peter Yeung started to learn Ip Chun's Wing Chun system with the business purposes to be come a certified Wing Chun Sifu directly under Sifu Ip Chun in Hong Kong. Peter Yeung was in Hong Kong as ordinary resident from 28 Dec 2001 and continues to Mars 2011 for intensive learning, thereafter the focus was changed to develop and adapt the Wing Chun system for teaching it in Sweden as certified Wing Chun Sifu. For Sifu Peter Yeung Hong Kong is his 2:nd home since he have have also worked in Hong Kong under Ericsson during 90's.
Next goal
Sifu’s next goal was for creating a niched internal Wing Chun system for both effective defense and health by enabling efficiency against other martial arts with the traditional Wing Chun pedagogic, starting with the internal part based on the principles from 1st form SiuNimTao internal concept. The personal goal is to create an academic way of teaching Wing Chun with the underlying theoretical models and architecture in order to educate instructors to master the system, but also to enable further development of it. The ambition of this academy is to have highly motivated students with high ambitions.
The combination
One hobby the Sifu has is IT, especially DevOps for this web application as part of the Wing Chun education with digitalization and automation of administrative processes. The goal is to enable the students to start their own Wing Chun school or other associations by using a common platform.
Why internal
Sifu has not the best body from the start with the energy to practice external and athletic martial arts, but martial art is exciting. He has a passion for developing the internal part of Wing Chun, which can increase both health and practical defense. Within the maturer age, the body starts to break down. Since internal martial arts are keeping the body functional, then it is also a condition for continuing with Wing Chun. This is one reason Sifu develops this internal Wing Chun so that people like him can still practice deep martial art and also keep healthy.
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